Trinidad Paradox Robusto

06 Oct 2012  •  Posted by Jack  •  Trinidad Paradox  •  3686 views

I am a Star Trek nerd....I admit it.  So, at my local shop, The Market, I picked up a brand new cigar - more because the name drew me in.  The Trinidad Paradox.  Cool name....I thought smoking it might be like being caught in a time paradox on Voyager or hanging with Captain Kirk.  It sports a nifty black, silver, and green band and box-press square shape that at the very least made me think of the Borg.  Anyway, how did it smoke?  Let's see....

Construction: The paradox is a nice looking cigar.  Very smooth and nearly veinless.  The triple cap had a spot that wasn't stuck down firmly but nothing horrible.  Overall a very nice box-press presentation.

Pre-light Aroma and Draw: The aroma of the paradox out of the cellophane is heavy tobacco and some bizarre spice that I can't quite place....something like paprika and maple syrup?  Very unusual.

Light and Burn: Clipping the paradox was an odd feat.  Because of the very square presentation the cut left a short dome on top of the head.  Another unusual attribute.  I was therefore pleasantly surprised to find a flawless draw.  The burn stays nice and even with a really nice light gray ash.

Tasting: where to begin.  I don't want to come out with photon torpedoes a'blazin' here but there is something in this cigar I don't care for.  Some kind of strange anomaly my sensors can't penetrate.  I don't know.  It reminds me of burning cardboard.  I know that sounds harsh, but that is really the best word for this cigar.  Harsh.  I picked up something that reminded me of, and I know this sounds odd, spaghetti sauce.  It's like Captain Janeway let Neelix create a cigar out of alien tobacco.

Value: Here is the direct hit with quantum torpedoes.....the Paradox is a steal at $5.99.

Final Thoughts: I will not be assimilating this cigar into my humidor collective.  Instead of a romp with the Voyager crew across the space-time-continuum it was more like watching a poorly made fan-film on YouTube.  I know some of you may think my review overly harsh, but I have stated that I avoid Altadis cigars because the feel overly mass-produced.  In this case, I think they tried something new and, my hat is off for the attempt, did not make warp1.  Methinks Commander Chakotay should get B'Elanna to realign the warp core and try again with this blend.  I can't recommend this cigar.

Wrapper: Mexican Criollo
Dominican Piloto

Strength: Full

Size: 5x50 box-press


It really is an attractive cigar.  You don't see many with green bands out there....

Very nice artistry on that band with a vac-metal silver and high-gloss green and black

Alas, we ended up limping along on auxiliary power instead of warp 9.5

Final rating:


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