Headley Grange Corona Gorda

05 Jun 2013  •  Posted by Jack  •  Crowned Heads, Headley Grange  •  4207 views

If it keeps on rainin' levee's going to break.  If it keeps on rainin' levee's going to break (come on, sing with me). When the levee breaks I'll have no place to stay...

There has been a huge amount of interest in the cigar world over the sophomore effort from Crowned Heads.  The Headley Grange.  If you haven't read up on it....this cigar was designed to smoke like the opening drum beats of Led Zeppelin's When the Levee Breaks.  The cigar was named after the location that said song was recorded in.  Now, I must admit, I am a Led Head.  I love their style and my usual playlist of their songs is simply massive in length.  So, that being said, a cigar that pays homage to one of the greatest rock bands to ever walk this earth is alright by me. I fact, any cigar company that names their products based on a love of music gets high marks in my book.  As a side note, the Four Kicks line from Crowned Heads was named after a Kings of Leon song.

This cigar, the Headley Grange, is growing in popularity and they are often hard to find.  I was able to snag one from The Market here in Dayton.  They had every size in stock too.  Going with my gut, I grabbed the corona gorda, which is my second favorite size to smoke of any cigar presently.  How was it?  Let's see....

Construction: The Headley Grange is a pretty cigar.  The wrapper leaf is a beautiful golden brown with a slight red cast.  It's a very light cigar in hand and I don't see any construction issues at all.

Pre-light Aroma and Draw: This little beauty is not packed with cellophane.  I pick up a huge amount of cedar and some very nice spices out of the humidor.  The draw is spot-on perfect as well.

Light and Burn: It's a remarkably calm night and lighting with matches is a breeze.  The burn is solid with a white ash that hangs on for a long while before falling.  The amount of smoke pouring off this little baby is insane. 

Tasting: Starting off, the Headley exhibits some very unique characteristics.  I get a flavor that reminds me of malt on top of a dense core of wheat with a sweet honey taste.  There is a nice red pepper spice to it as well.  As the first third develops, I get flavors of hay and herbal tea with some black pepper.    The smoke is very aromatic as well.  The second third turns up the volume a bit.  The pepper is pronounced enough to make my mouth tingle.  The flavors really continue to impress.  It's not uber complex like the Four Kicks but the flavors are well paired.  This is a cigar about balance and it really shows.  As the second third ends, I get a very slight citrus flavor mixed in with the pepper spice and herbal core.  The final third is here, sadly.  I am noting some very slight cocoa and the strength is dropping off.  The herbal core is a bit sweeter now as well.  I am going to be sad to put this little beauty out.  It's delicious and very unique. 

Value: Most of the Headley line will run you around $10 and believe me, they are totally worth every cent.

Final Thoughts: As a music lover, I am fascinated by Crowned Heads and their emerging success.  I imagine they have big things in store for the IPCPR this summer too.  They have a well rounded catalog already with two...well, adding the limited release Mule Kick would be three...products.  I can't help but wonder what CAO would be like today had they listened to the owners of this fine boutique line when they were working for that company.  Then again, we wouldn't have the Four Kicks or Headley Grange, so maybe it's better that CAO didn't.  Personally, I love these cigars.  They are up there with Tatuaje, Illusione, Emilio, and Viaje as the fifth in my list of favorite brands.  So....with that, I will put in a couple of ideas for their next cigar.  How about a cigar celebrating The Beatles - The Revolver or Helter Skelter?  Or maybe one named after a Metallica song - One or a candela cigar named Green Hell?  Maybe not. Still, I am excited for future releases and highly recommend the Headley Grange. 

Another quick side note:  The Wharf is in the process of getting this line on their shelves as well.  Can't wait!

Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sumatra
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua

Strength: Medium with a touch towards full

Size: 5 5/8 x 46

This little guy is absolutely gorgeous

While a bit dry in appearance, the wrapper is still beautiful

Check out the simple yet awesome band.  Note the flourish in the center...drum sticks anyone?

Stellar performer too.  No touch ups or anything needed!

Final rating:


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